Change Scenes via MIDI Program Change Messages

What is the problem?

As a live performer, I want to recall Scene via a MIDI program change message sent from my sequencer or master keyboards, so that I can easily and reliably transition to a new song in my performance.

What should this feature achieve?

The feature is simple on the outside: Synth listens for program change messages on a dedicated “control” channel, and changes scenes accordingly.

The control channel can be added as a setting in Menu → MIDI, possible values are:

  • off (default)
  • USB #1…16
  • Jack #1…16.

However, since scenes are referenced by name, and do not exist in numbered slots (as is the case in most in other devices), scenes need to be mapped manually to program change numbers,

The mapping view would probably be similar to program change mapping within a scene, but with 128 slots instead of just 8.


In practice, this can lead no a number of conflicts and other problems:

  1. MIDI channel conflicts
  2. backup and program mapping conflicts
  3. losing changes in the current scene

As a user, I have certain expectations how device would react to such conflicts, or even bring them to my attention.

MIDI Channel Conflicts

MIDI channels for synth 1-3 are stored in a scene, and there is no simple way to prevent the control channel from overlapping with one of the synth channels. And it might even be desired that the control channel is the same as a synth channel and does not block another MIDI channel, because I guess most people have not use for changing individual sounds inside a scene.

Also a conflicts will only ever affect the scene itself, and not have side-effects on other scenes. So my expectation is, channel conflicts happen, and are ignored by Synth.

Making and Restoring Backups

Especially users who perform live need a backup that actually works, some have the habit of removing everything that os not required for a performance, but also want to get that back later without messing everything up.

As a user, I want to be able to backup and restore the mapping of scenes to program change numbers, so that I can create a backup copy of my live set,.

As a user, I want to be able to delete scenes from the SD card without corrupting the mapping, i.e. when a scene is not present on the SD card, a corresponding program change is ignored, however, when the scene is later restored to the card, sending the program change message again should recall that scene.

As a user, when I review the mapping, missing scenes should be clearly visible, so that I can decide whether that is fine, or I need to restore the scene.

When an error message is presented, the message should give me all information I need to decide what to do.

Losing Changes to a Scene

As a user performing live, I don’t want Synth to show a dialog when I trigger a scene change via MIDI, I just want the scene to change.

Are there any workarounds?

Yes, loading scenes manually.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

Many synthesizers and Grooveboxes that allow for program changes to change “scenes” (i.e. sounds and effects setup for several parts), from the top of my head:

  • Elektron Analog Four, Digitakt, Digitone, Syntakt, Analog Rytm (probably others, too)
  • Waldorf Blofeld, Microwave Series, Q Series
  • Roland SH-4d

Conflicts are avoided by using a different paradigm: scenes and presets are not stored by name, but in numbered slots, alphabetical lists for selecting sound (if any) are created on the fly.


actually fundamentally important, no synthesizer manufacturer should deliver devices without Midi program change support

Technically, Synth does support program changes: for changing presets within a scene, but it is very limited (see Program Change Mapping in the Manual).

This is current the biggest annoyance I’m experience with the Synth… the more tracks I build using an external sequencer (in my case the Oxi One & Digitakt), the harder it is to keep track of what scene I used in each of them.

Please make it possible to change Scenes using program change!

FWIW, I assign a number to each of my tracks, and track x always points to preset number x in any device. That might be a workaround for your problem.

I use a similar workaround with the naming but it’s still quite cumbersome, being able to change Scenes with PC messages would make it so much simpler.

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There is so much that could be done in terms of program change, like changing scenes via PC, increasing number of PC slots that can be assigned within a scene, allowing to load a preset from any engine and not only from engines currently loaded in a scene or at least fixing current bugs related to program change that crash the device! (I reported couple of them). Hopefully Polyend team will listen to us :wink:


Yup. PC is how I envision using the Synth with my Play/Tracker.

Has this wish been approved for voting yet? I think it’s still in draft.

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AFAIK no wish for Synth has been approved for voting yet.