Change Octave per synth

Was just sitting here reading the big boy manual and was like “man I wish I could change the octave of a synth when I’m playing it without having to dive in to the grid options”

Well… in the manual
Sets the root note octave range for each synth between C0-C8. The default is C1. Also
this can be changed using a shortcut by Pressing [Screen] for a selected Synth + Turn
(Screen) knob when in a synth display page.


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Yeah you can hold 1 or 2 or all 3 buttons below the screen at the same time and use the main encoder and change the octaves all at once. This combo move can also be done for C1, C2, C3 knobs and pitch knob etc.

Great feature

Now I just wish some of the filters had “drive” on them


You can generate a wish