Can we please have the ability to save instruments?

I am trying to save instruments but don’t see really how you do that.

I loaded a mod for example; which plays fine; but now if I want to save an instrument to then use at later time, how do I do that? Same if I find an instrument that I like in a different project.
Would be awesome to have the ability to load and save instruments, as you do in other synths when you load and save patches and even mark them as favorite.

I do understand that technically there is no “instrument” as these are just samples, so I can load samples directly and recreate an instrument, but many times a lot of work goes into working on a sample, that reproducing all that has been done on that sample is quite a lot of work, so why not just save it/export it?

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I don’t have a Tracker but I found in the Tracker+ Manual it is covered on page 138 6.12 under the heading “Sharing Sample Instruments”. There is a note at the bottom of page 139 about management of a user library which I suspect would be worth noting for what you want (I’m presuming it’s the same for the Tracker) - I do something similar on my own machines.

On tracker there’s an instrument folder in each project so the instrument is saved and can be loaded into another projects.

I don’t know exactly if it’s that you want but there are instruments saved and can be loaded.

What @ameliagagarin is saying is correct.

The moment you save a project, the instruments are saved within the project.
If you’ve never saved the project you can still find them in the /Workspace folder of your SD Card (which i think won’t be visible on the Tracker itself).

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Sadly that does not seem to be the case.

If I create a new project, and then import a mod, there is no instrument in the folder. When I save the project, and then reload it there is no instrument loaded with the project, just the data for the notes. Although when I play the converted mod the samples are there.

The tracker must save these samples and instruments data somewhere, but since there is no way to go in and say “save this instrument” or “export this instrument”, as soon as I save the project and reload it, that instrument is gone.

Not sure why there is not an option to save the instrument, as even if I can save the whole thing as project, I am still bound to go in the proiect folder and copy the specific data for that instrument. Wouldn’t be much easier to just get that instrument exported as self contained entity?