Hi! Got my Tracker+. Is there an easy way to throw (wirelessly) the line out to my AirPlay speakers? Either a device or using my phone somehow.
I can see plenty of receiver devices that add AirPlay to old speakers, but I want the opposite — a way to send analogue or digital audio over USB to AirPlay
Hey @ATokenBrit, welcome to Backstage! 
If you got an iPhone or iPad, you could connect the devices and then use AUM to cast to AirPlay probably?
I know everything up till AUM will work, but i don’t know if AUM can cast to AirPlay but i would assume so.
Thanks I’ll look at that. There is also an app called Airchord— I’ll have to see if my iPhone does ok with audio in via lightning
Lightning as far as i know is quite fickle. Best results is had with the unpowered CCK if i remember correctly. My iPad is USB-C so i can’t really speak much on that either.