Basic utility effects

What is the problem?

the sample-editor is currently missing some basic utility effects.

What should this feature achieve?

the render-selection-and-load workflow, being as convenient as it is, opens up many sound-design possibilities, especially when using the sample-editor - stacking sounds becomes quick and easy.
this invites a lot of signal-processing tricks playing with things like (stereo-)phase-cancellation, getting the difference of two (effected) signals, etc.
when applied repeadetly we should be able to “re-create” most sound-effects, even create our own ones.

the least we are missing for that are two effects:

  • sample-/micro-delay
    delay in samples, maybe microseconds
  • phase invert
    left, right, both

some additional utility:

  • stereo util
    L/R invert, width (0-100%)
  • sample-rate
    in herz

Are there any workarounds?

micro-delay can be achieved by micro-moving the trigger of the resampled sound while playing it at a lower speed, then resampling and again after pitching it back up to its original speed. however, precise changes are hard, sample-delay is basically impossible and pattern-length places some length-limits on the to-be-processed sample.
changes in stereo-width and sample-rate reduction have more straightforward workarounds which i probably don’t need to detail

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

many DAWs have stock-plugins combining such utility features

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Hey @bartek.trame , welcome to Backstage! :partying_face:

This is really nicely thought out. Thanks for your wish! :blush: