Backwards Screen Glitch

My tracker just started booting with the screen upside-down and backwards. I’ve seen a few people online with this defect. I’m just wondering if anyone else has run into it and if so did Polyend fix it for you? I registered and submitted a ticket.

I’m so bummed…I switched to the Tracker from the MPC and I’ve been making so many projects that I was really into. I love the workflow and I thought I’d finally found one that stripped away all the distractions and let me just get into making cool tracks. Set aside some time this weekend to finish a few projects with my friends but booted to the messed up screen. I guess I have to switch back to my MPC for now. It’s super capable but man…the note editing majorly sucks. I was so set on using the tracker. I hope they can fix it in a reasonable time frame.

Seems like it must be a hardware defect because I had only just gotten a case for the Tracker and started taking it places to work on music before this issue came up.

I have the same issue with the brand new Tracker I’ve just got my hands on. The screen is flipped and mirrored. I looked up the Internet but no solution yet. I hope to find something to solve the issue before I return it back.

If you have this problem please email support, we’ll take care of you. Might be a hardware issue, but we can fix it.