Hi everyone,
I’m experiencing an issue with my Play+ when using it as a USB audio interface for the Akai Force. Here’s my setup:
- The Play+ is connected to the Akai Force via USB, selected as the audio interface in the Force’s settings.
- MIDI communication is also set up between the two devices over USB.
The problem: whenever I play audio through the Play+, I hear pops and crackles, almost as if the audio is clipping. I’ve already tried tweaking various settings, but the issue persists.
Is there something I’m overlooking in my setup? Or could this be a compatibility issue between the Play+ and the Akai Force?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Can you per chance change any settings related to bitrate and sample rate on the Akai so that the Play+ could run at 44.1khz 16-bit?
Another thing to possibly try. See what happens if you you turn on the Play+ after the Akai is turned on.
Does the Play+ even turn on when the Akai is off? Since power i guess is provided by the Akai USB Port?
EDIT: also - where are my manners? Welcome to Backstage! 
Thanks, Sandroid! I’ve been following the forum for a while and keeping up with all the great discussions. I absolutely love the Play+, especially in combination with the Akai Force and Oxi One. It would be amazing if I could get the Play+ to work for this setup.
Regarding your suggestions:
- Unfortunately, I can’t adjust the bitrate or sample rate on the Akai Force. As far as I know, it should handle 44.1 kHz 16-bit without any issues.
- In my setup, the Play+ does indeed draw its power directly from the USB port on the Akai Force. The Play+ always turns on after the Akai Force is turned on, like you suggested.
Hey @Sandroid, I never heard back from you after my last message over a month ago. Can I assume that my desired setup is outside the intended functionality of the Play+? Or is there still something I could try to make this work?
Would appreciate any insights. Thanks!