Assigning midi channel of synth

Hello all, this is my first post as well my first Polyend product. I am having an absolute blast learning my new device, My question is how to assign a midi channel. My setup consists of an MC-707 as main brain. I have a eurorack, and other synths midi controlled and audio mixed by the 707. I have added the Synth on a separate mixer channel for audio but I would like to sequence one of the Synths from the mc-707 on midi cannel 7. It is receiving clock and transport over midi now but I can’t set a channel for notes. I hope this makes some sense, thank you for any help

Click the main encoder on left of screen then go to synths and click that. In there you can set up your usb / jack # aka midi numbers for each grid.

If you’re using polyend synth as a midi controller, make sure to turn the local off if you don’t want the internal synths to play along with you.

Of course make sure polyend synth and whatever external product you’re using is on the same midi / jack #

Perfect, thank you, works now as I would expect. Now I see it, midi I/O :man_facepalming:, I must have just glazed over that without thought.

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