Alternative way for combo knobs and pitch knob to work

What is the problem?

Currently we have to tap / hold one or more buttons below the screen then use c1, c2, c3 knobs and pitch knob. I am proposing a alternative and faster workflow way of doing it instead!

What should this feature achieve?

Example: If you’re pressing on the blue grid, then the c1, c2, c3 knobs and pitch knob should automatically work for that synth. Same goes for yellow grid and purple grid. If you’re holding down 2 or more grids then those knobs work as combo knobs for all of them at the same time.

Pretty much the same principle of what they are designed for already, but this makes for a faster workflow by automatically working when grids are touched instead of having to remember to tap / hold the buttons below the screen and do some finger gymnastics while playing! I have twisted these knobs many times thinking I was doing something for a particular grid when it wasn’t, because I forgot to tap / hold a button or buttons below the screen!

Are there any workarounds?

Just the way it’s working now, but I am proposing a better workflow alternative.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?


So when you hold pads on the grid, any macro would only affect those notes, correct?

Some examples: Assume the blue slot is currently active.

  1. while you hold a yellow pad, only the yellow synth is affected when you turn C1.
  2. when you hold yellow and purple pads, only those two synth slots are affected.
  3. as soon as you release all pads, C1 - C3 do nothing
  4. when you latch pads via SHIFT, or have incoming MIDI notes, that would be the same as pressing a pad.
  5. when you select an entirely blue, red or yellow grid, you can only control macros for this one slot unless Synth receives MIDI notes

Is that what you mean?

And would holding the pads below the display override that behavior?

Here’s a related wish that might also help:

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