Alternate step delete behaviour

The Tracker Mini is great for making beats and loops, however fixing a mistake or backing up to fix something can be a bit frustrating. What makes it so frustrating? The step jump. A press of the delete button, should back the pattern up to the previously worked on step, instead of removing a step and jumping forward. This forward jump takes you out of the creative process, and makes you stop and think for a second, instead of letting the music just flow. Fixing this slight annoyance would make laying out tracks more streamlined and less distracting when you hit delete without changing the Step jump count.

This could be a simple toggle in the config. Option one would be stock settings. Option two could be reverse settings for the delete button only.

What is the problem?

Hitting the delete button skips forward in time. This jump forward makes fixing out of tune/time steps more difficult than it should be. Individual steps should be able to be fixed without the need of the D-pad.

What should this feature achieve?

This feature would make the delete key move the pattern in the opposite direction. For instance if you are laying out a pattern that skips four steps and need to go back to change a note, instead of hitting the up arrow four times, then hitting the delete button, then hitting the up button an additional four times to reinsert the step in another key. You could hit the delete button and it would jump backwards four steps to the note in the pattern that you initially wanted to change.

Are there any workarounds?

Kind of, you can constantly change the step jump up and down in between edits and fixes.

Any links to related discussions?

Not that I can think of.

Any references to other products?

The backspace/delete function has always jumped backwards so that you can fix the deleted keystroke…

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Hey @AnalogAmalgam, thx for a well written wish. I’ve only changed the title… i hope that’s ok. :blush:

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@AnalogAmalgam Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, the wish doesn’t fit our current product design direction.
The best workaround could be the Undo button. The cursor comes back to the initial step :slight_smile:

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