Alternate "global mode" for macros

What is the problem?

When performing you can only access the macros for the selected synth, there’s no way to affect the sounds of the other synths

What should this feature achieve?

Create an alternate macro mode where instead of 3 macros per synth you would have 1 macro per synth, meaning you could alter the sounds in all synths without changing the selected one.

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?


This already exists, it’s called combos :] (unless I misunderstood the post)

Hold down 1 or 2 or 3 of the buttons below the screen and then use the C1, C2, C3 knobs.

For example, if you held down the blue and yellow buttons and tweaked the C1 knob, you’ll be tweaking macros for both synths at the same time etc.

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Oops, I didn’t know that! Thank you very much for the tip, I will delete the feature request then. :slight_smile:

EDIT: looks like I can’t delete the post so I would ask a moderator to delete it for me, please.

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Also use this combo with the main encoder knob by screen to change the octave of 1 or more synths together :]

You mean the pitchbend knob, right?

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Yes :]

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Glad to see this wish got “implemented” so quickly. Will close this then :blush:


I was actually wrong about the pitchbend part. I swear I thought combo buttons (holding 1 or more buttons below the screen) and pitchbend knob works but that apparently doesn’t. Seems pitchbend knob only works with 1 synth at a time. So I may make it into a wish list idea lol.

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