Almost full SD card causes Volume Knob and Memory Lag

Bug Description

Volume knob behavior is faulty,
SPECIFING faulty: it responds with a great lag to any change, positive or negative.
My Play knob works fine if setting LIMITER values, so I can exclude any HW problem.

Also sample packs loading is extremely slow.
EXAMPLE: loading of the first SAMPLE PACK. 80’MUM, takes at least 10 minutes.
Also: creating a new project takes 2 minutes.


it happens always when the space on the SD card is lower thans 30% (approx).

Found in

1.3.0 official


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Hi again @acaposotta , we think your problem is related to SD card performance, probably fragmentation. Please try the following solution:

  1. defragment the SD card
  2. copy all files to a hard drive
  3. format the SD card
  4. restore files

We hope this solves your issue!

Hello, I did buy a bigger SD card to solve the problem. The SD was fine with no disk error.


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I think it’s not beta related. Likely a common bug.

@acaposotta thanks for reporting back and I’m glad to hear the issue is solved. I don’t think disk error was an issue but data fragmentation

I’ll update the title to reflect the real issue, I hope it’s OK with you.

Also moving it to general #bug so others who run into the same problem can see the Solution. Closing for now.

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