As a user I would love to be able to trigger fills. This means setting a step to the chance „Fill“ so that it is only played while the fill button is pressed during playback.
What should this feature achieve?
It would be nice if you could select Fill as a chance option (Let’s call it “Fill On”). This would mean that this step is normally not played. If you keep holding down the Fill button during playback the step will be played (I think the Fill button should be unused during playback at the moment, right?).
Optionally as suggested by another member, in addition to Fill On, it’d be cool to have Fill Off chance option as well. A step with Fill Off is played only when Fill mode is not active. That means the user could have two alternate sequences between which he switches by holding and releasing the Fill button.
Are there any workarounds?
Not that I know of. Switching variations or patterns is too slow.
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
I think most of the Elektron boxes support this feature.
Sure! So currently you can set the chance for every step to be played to Always, some percentage, play x skip y and so on.
I think it would be nice if you could select Fill as a chance option. This would mean that this step is normally not played. If you keep holding down the Fill button during playback the step will be played (I think the Fill button should be unused during playback at the moment, right?).
I think, in addition to Fill On, it’d be cool to have Fill Off chance option as well like it’s made in Bitwig. A step with Fill Off is played only when Fill mode is not active. That means the user could have two alternate sequences between which he switches by holding and releasing the Fill button.
Crystal Clear! Thanks for taking the time. If you don’t mind, I will cut/paste some of what you wrote into the wish as I think it will help the Polyend Team understand much better.
Been thinking a bit more about this wish. If I could break it down to some core functionality, it would be like a Logic AND where if Fill was selected in Chance AND the Fill button is held down, then the step is played.
And @katzi, your additional idea is the NAND Logic of this functionality? If a step has Chance set to Fill AND the Fill button is held down, then the step doesn’t play.
I hope I have that right, because I think it’s a fantastic idea!
Everything is this statement seems correct, except it should have been ‘Chance set to Fill Off AND the Fill button is held down, …’.
Let’s imagine there are three steps in the sequence. Step A doesn’t have any chance set, step B has Fill On chance and step C has Fill Off chance.
When Fill mode is not engaged (i.e. the Fill button is not being hold) only steps A and C will be heard.
When Fill mode is active (i.e. the Fill button is being hold) only steps A and B will be played.
Idk, it was obvious to me that this would come eventually, so I didn’t even bother writing it myself And as @3xm pointed out, there is a workaround.