What is the problem?
It isn’t possible to record changes to Master FX in a project. The values for Reverb send, Delay send, etc, can be tweaked and recorded at the step level, but not the type of reverb, delay, etc.
What do you want to achieve?
Record changes in the types of various Master FX (Reverb, Delay, Sound, Limiter, and saturation). Ideally, this could be done at the step level, allowing to select the type of reverb, delay… in addition to its send values.
This way, users could record the effect types that are available in Perform mode and the possibility to change them quickly that Perform mode offers.
Given that only one type of Master FX (i.e. one type of reverb) can run at a time, the effect type recorded would be the last one defined in a step, which would affect the entire pattern. This would mirror the Perform Mode behavior, where only one effect type is applied at a given time.
Are there any workarounds?
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
This is possible on Akai MPC range, Elektron devices (a click thru to a sub menu)