Allow Arpeggiator to Play in Negative and Positiv Octave Ranges with Shift-Encoder Implementation

What is the problem?

Currently, the Polyend Synth’s Arpeggiator is limited to playing upwards from the Root Note set in the Grid Settings (e.g., C3). While it allows for up to 8 octaves above the root, there is no option to play arpeggios in negative octave ranges (e.g., below C3). This restricts the creative and expressive potential of the Arpeggiator, especially for creating dynamic patterns that span both higher and lower octaves.

Additionally, it is not possible to transpose latched notes directly. To change the Root Note in this scenario, the user must:

  • Manually deactivate the latched notes.
  • Navigate to the Grid Settings to adjust the Root Note.
  • Return to the performance view and manually re-latch the notes.

This process is cumbersome and disrupts the creative workflow, particularly during live performances or improvisation. A more intuitive solution, such as extending the Arpeggiator’s range directly to include negative octaves, would make it significantly easier to explore new musical ideas without interrupting the flow.

What should this feature achieve?

The feature should allow users to configure negative octave values in the Arpeggiator settings, extending the current functionality to include both lower and higher octaves. A suggested implementation:

  • SHIFT + Encoder sets the starting octave range (e.g., -2).
  • Encoder alone sets the ending octave range (e.g., +6).

To ensure smooth backward compatibility and intuitive behavior:

Fallback Logic for Existing Presets:
If no start value is explicitly set (as with existing presets), the system should default the start value to equal the end value. For example:

A preset with a range of +3 would automatically be interpreted as Start: +3, End: +3.
This ensures that existing presets behave exactly as before and require no changes from the user.

Behavior When Start and End Are the Same:
If the start value and end value are identical (e.g., Start: +2, End: +2), the Arpeggiator behaves as if only a single range value was set. This avoids unnecessary complexity and ensures no unintended behavior.

Value of 0:
A value of 0 corresponds to the Root Note and is valid. If both the start and end values include 0 (e.g., Start: 0, End: 0), the Root Note will be played according to the Arpeggiator’s type (e.g., Up, Down, Random). In cases where the Root Note is repeated, this is musically acceptable and expected.

Display Behavior:
The display should visually represent the full range, dynamically adapting the octave bar to reflect the start and end values (e.g., from -2 to +6).

This approach allows for expressive and dynamic arpeggios, while seamlessly integrating with existing presets and workflows.

Are there any workarounds?

A partial workaround involves using the Follower function to transpose the played Arpeggiator sequence in real-time. This can provide a way to shift the pitch of the sequence, simulating a limited form of transposition. However, this does not address the lack of an extended ARP range that includes simultaneous negative and positive octaves.

Another workaround involves removing the latched notes from the Arpeggiator, entering the Grid Settings, and manually transposing the Root Note to a lower octave. However, this is cumbersome and disrupts the creative workflow.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

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