Say you have a Wavetable oscillator and you want it to start at the set position but want the envelope to sweep upwards after a period of time. With the current modulation options available - it’s not really do-able. But if the envelope featured an adjustable Delay stage prior to the Attack - you could! You could do a similar trick with the Filter Envelope - holding the Frequency at the set position of the Instrument but then ramping up when desired.
What is the problem?
The envelopes would be more useful if there was an adjustable Delay stage prior to their Attack.
What do you want to achieve?
For the envelopes to feature an adjustable Delay stage prior to the attack.
Are there any workarounds?
Not that I am aware of.
Any links to related discussions?
Not that I could find.
Any references to other products?
Not that I am aware of.