Add (basic) EQ to Synth 1-3

What is the problem?

When mixing 3 sounds plus FX to one stereo output, it is essential to define a frequency range for each sound, so that they don’t interfere with each other. A simple EQ would go a long way here.

What should this feature achieve?

Provide a simple high and low shelving EQ for each synth that allows for placing each of the 3 synths in the mix.

Since settings of the EQ would depend on which other sounds are present in a scene, one might argue that the EQ is set on a scene level, and not on a sound level, and therefore would be best placed on a new page in the mixer,

A traditional shelving design with two parameters (high and low, or base and with) is easier to handle and more flexible than the “DJ-style” filters with one knob. However, a new page in the mixer offers 3 parameters per track, so it might even be possible to select between different EQ styles per track, like shelving, parametric, resonant HP/LP or one-knob. Or the remaining parameter can be used for overdrive, see linked wish below.

Are there any workarounds?

One could use the filter, but in most sounds the filter already serves another purpose.

Any links to related discussions?

Related wish: Add some Grit: Overdrive/Distortortion/Bit- and Sample-Rate-Reduction

Any references to other products?

  • literally every mixing console with EQ
  • the base-width filter found on newer Elektron devices (DT, DN, ST)

I totally subscribe this one, it would be super useful.