Add/Add next behaviour

What is the problem?

In sample loader, when adding samples with the “Add next” function it replaces the current selected sample (if there’s one loaded at that spot)

What should this feature achieve?

When activating “Add Next” the selection would first move one spot down, then load the sample. That way you can load the first sample with Add, and keep using Add next after that.
Alternatively, have it check if something’s already loaded in that spot. If there is nothing loaded, load the selected sample. If there is something loaded, move one step down and load.

Are there any workarounds?

The workaround is load sample with Add, manually move one instrument down, then start loading with Add next.

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Hi there @hannibalpeck. Really appreciate you taking the time to write out this issue. I also apologize that it took a bit of time to get to you. The Mod team recently took on vetting the bugs to give the PE team more resources for what counts the most and we’re just getting through the backlog of reports.

Concerning your issue, the behaviour your describing is as designed, as the manual states;

With a sample or instrument highlighted in the left window, press the
[Add], screen button. This will add or replace in the selected instrument
*slot. Using [Add Next], screen button will add a sample and will
automatically jump the cursor to the next slot

However, I would be more than happy to convert this to a draft wish if you’d like me to do that :slight_smile:

Checking back in to see if you’d like that wish.

Hi, sorry for the wait. Would be nice if this could be converted into a draft wish. I haven’t been using my T+ lately so I’ll have to catch up on what I ment by this bug report :slight_smile:


I took a stab at converting it into a wish. Let me know what you think @hannibalpeck :slight_smile:

nice one!

I got the T+ 2 days ago so very new user but I also thought the Add / Add Next behavior was somewhat unintuitive. My (still naive) UX expectation would have been the following:

If the focus is on the file list: “Add” command appends the sample to the instrument list (at the end or first ununused slot). An operation named “add” should never overwrite anything.

If the focus is on the instrument list: “Add” command changes to “Replace” command. This command replaces current instrument in the slot with the currently selected file. No need for two different Add commands active at the same time.