A global sequencer that contains the pad notes / base notes for arpeggios / sequencer for all 3 parts

What is the problem?

No global sequencer for all 3 parts

What should this feature achieve?

a global sequencer that contains the played pad notes / base notes for arpeggios / sequencer for all 3 parts

Are there any workarounds?

No, only playing live, record the midi send notes in a DAW. Deactivate local sequencer/arpeggiator to receive all generated notes

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Hey @holodeckmusicproject. It would be appreciated if you spent a little more time refining and expanding on your wishes before posting them. As with your wish from 3 days ago, it’s initially not super clear to me what you actually want to achieve.

So, trying to figure out what you want, will you please update your wish with descriptions of how you want all the sequencer modes (Off, Arp, Seq) to behave? Also how they behave when notes held on each synth are not the same.

@holodeckmusicproject I’m going to close this one now, as you didn’t come back to refine it in 2 months. Feel free to send me a DM if you want it reopened for refinement.