2025 Play/Play+ Feature Request: FX settings per step and multiple incidences of chance

Hi there, just wondering how feasible it would be to have a “parameter lock” whereby more than simply FX depth is modulatable per step.

The Play is an incredible bit of kit but the fx section feels limiting in that you can’t have different reverbs on different layers or increase the feedback on the delay through the period of a sequence or have overdrive+ on a kick but saturation on pads (as examples).

Also, it’s a real shame that microtune and note aren’t available as “randomize” types.

Lastly, if more than one incident of chance could be possible per step, that would be amazing! It would be great to have a step that skipped 3, played 1 and had a 20% chance of a random sample playing for example. If every step could hold 4 different chance settings, that would rule! Although that seems like an easy ask for someone who knows nothing of programming.

If those could happen and that result be compounded by some utter miracle and someone at polyend decide to support a forgotten S-tier product: wave a wand and add the ability to change envelope curves on the medusa to log/exp rather than just linear and let the analogue section work in FM mode: I could die happy (not until after much usage of said synths ofc).

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