Where are the filter settings for the PERC Engine

I just bought the Mini again and I’m having a blast while exploring all the new features which where included with FW2.0 and further. But I stumbled across a problem…Has the Perc engine no dedicated filter for shaping the Kick for example? Am I blind?!:face_with_monocle: I also tried to use the lowpass step fx…but it doesn’t effect the sound. Maybe these fx can only be used with samples. :person_shrugging:t4:

There is no over-arching filter so to speak - that is correct.

There are filters for the cymbal and hihats. And there is an overall 3 band EQ that could be abused to approximate a filter.

That means you’d have to go to the Synth/Patch Editor and have a look. You can expose those parameters through the Macros.

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That’s correct. the lowpass step fx is set to the filter on the Instrument level that is only available on slots 1 to 48 where you would load your non Synth/Midi Instruments.

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