What is "Space"? (not a philosophical question)

In the manual the Master FX parameters list:

Sound EQ 9900 Hz -11.75 dB to +12 dB
Sound Bass Boost 0-100
Sound Space 0-8

This usage of the term Space does not appear to be the same thing as the randomization version of Space.

Could somebody elaborate please?

Essentially: The space parameter is a stereo widener/enhancer.

If you had two singers on stage standing together the Sound Space would be narrow ( a low number), if they stood wide apart the Sound Space would be broad ( a high number).

I figured it might be something like that. Using the term Stereo-Width or even just Width would have avoided the confusion with the Randomizer Space option and the Reverb Space preset.

I note it can quickly drive the signal into distortion requiring lower overall track levels to compensate.