Polyphony and voice spreading

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This comment was split from a different topic, to continue the discussion here

While this is a wonderful option if you need to insert some chords, there might be another way to go about it that gives much more flexibility.

Say you don’t want to play all the notes or the chord at once but strum them, with the previous notes continuing to be heard. Basically polyphony as experienced by the user.

Elektron Analog Keys was 4 monophonic tracks and one of the biggest complaints was no chords or polyphony or paraphony. So they added an option that allowed you to “group” tracks together (up to all 4) and when playing on any of them, you’d gain more polyphony with each track, as the sequencer would distribute the notes over the 4 (or however many) tracks automatically. You could configure how the overflow would be dealt with, last note played, lowest note, etc.

Would something like this be possible? It’d be more work in the recorder and step recorder to be able to record/program more than 1 track at once. The overflow trigger would need to know whether the sample is done playing before reusing the same track but that could just be the sample tail. Biggest work I’d guess would be implementing this “track group” and the logic of how it’s handled. Without sustain pedal repeatedly pressing note would use up max tracks until the release of sample is finished for example. Sustain pedal release would allow basically instant release of the tracks and and ready for more notes. Maybe the note stealing is smarter and would do that anyway with new notes.

Anyway, I wonder if such a feature could be possible. Unless there is some serious design foundations that make it very hard for a track to affect other tracks, I could probably implement something as such. I’ve done some interesting such work on embedded devices before. The firmware is not open source, but maybe there is a way to help out with it by signing an NDA.