Polyend Synth Option to Quantize Sequences

What is the problem?

When already playing a sequence on one synth, then trying to start another synths sequence it will start whenever key is pressed, which could be good also not when trying to start them at start, if bad timing like me lol.

What should this feature achieve?

Ability to have an option that when on, if one sequence is already playing , then another synths sequence is trigger with a key press or shift hold, that sequence won’t start till beginning of bar or beginning of 1st sequence. Maybe a few options on when it would quantize would be nice.

Are there any workarounds?

Yes, have great timing unlike me.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

I guess kinda like Abelton clip launching?


I noticed this too on my first try of the Synth.
It would be a great option to have, synced and unsynced start of the sequences to the clock.
With slower rates the unsynced mode is nice for something more generative feel like, but with fast rates synced seems better.

Hi, @kcin1313! And welcome to Backstage.

In order to make sure all needed information is provided and improve the quality of wishes, we have a template for how to write a wish. I’ve included it below. Will you please update your wish to follow the template?

Also, a few guidelines:

  • Please read: Writing a good feature request
  • Write the wish from a generalized user viewpoint (“As a user” instead of “me”).
  • Describe the improvement below these instructions, in one paragraph.
  • Do NOT remove any of the headlines below and fill them out to the best of your abilities.

What is the problem?

What should this feature achieve?

Are there any workarounds?

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Yes, I updated sorry about that. If anything else is needed here please let me know, thanks.


Much better, thanks! I like this one :slight_smile:

Yes, have great timing unlike me.

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Agree. Was also on my list.

Nice to do the Polyend Product Manager Job :laughing: I wished my users do the same but that’s not their jobs ! But you US is very clear :slight_smile:

So what you are saying is, if you as a person have a want/need. It should be the others persons responsibility to figure out exactly what it is? :thinking:

Absolutely not. Don’t get me wrong Sandroid. In my job it’s a pain to get all the feedback then analyze it then return to the customer to have proper user stories. It’ s pretty cool that you educate the client the proper way to express their needs. But i do work with lawyers that don’t take the time to do it. Keep doing it this way. I’m just jaleous in a way :rofl:


Ouch - i feel your pain. I’ve been there before :people_hugging:

And of course you are absolutely right.
Sometimes you just can’t have it your way (especially with lawyers :laughing:).

Us community moderators here do it mostly because it helps making sure a wish is thought through. Infact we may be changing how wishes are entered entirely very soon - more streamlined.

It saves the people time and it saves us time. Win-win … hopefully :joy: :crossed_fingers:

But also - where are my manners? Welcome to Backstage @floydus :partying_face:


Thank You Sandroid and very happy to be part of the journey :slight_smile:

I can absolutely relate to this as well! Be strong :muscle:

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