OFF messages are not placed correctly during Live-Recording when Recording Options is set to Only Notes

Bug Description

When General → Recording Options is set to Only Notes the OFF message is not placed when releasing the pads (or only sometimes). This causes follow up notes to be placed in the next adjacent columns.

  • This affects all the instrument types (Samples, Synths & MIDI)
  • Correct behaviour would be that when you release a pad, that OFF message is placed.

:information_source: Workaround for now:
You can circumvent this behaviour by setting the Recording Options to Microtiming or Microtiming + Velocity. Then the OFF messages are placed correctly.

See it in Action:


Recording MIDI from external sources (via USB for example) may be affected by this issue as well. See comments below regarding sending MIDI from a DAW to the Tracker.

It almost seems like whatever conditional logic is responsible for the OFF messages is either delayed or may even fail entirely at times.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Change Config to: General → Recording Options = Only Notes
  2. Create a new project
  3. Choose a sample / synth or MIDI instrument
  4. Start Live-Recording
  5. Try not to overlap note entry. As in: just press one pad and release. Then press the next pad.
  6. Notice how it doesn’t place the OFF message when you release the pad (or only sporadically).



Found in

  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Build: 1061


No project provided as you have to generate notes yourself.


Shoutout to @martinszijjarto and @hannibalpeck for the quick Discord roundtable to pinpoint the cause of this.

This is not just a bug. Now in the new version you cannot record MIDI from a DAW also ) Try recording in the old version and the new one and you will understand what is happening. I’m terribly upset.


Are you recording via USB or via MIDI from the DAW ?
Also how are you recording from the DAW? In Live-Rec Mode?

if you can explain the steps you are taking, i could try and recreate it.


I just tested recording in two different versions. In version 1.01, everything works perfectly. In version 1.02, recording MIDI is impossible. Each note is recorded separately on a track.

In addition, the up arrow stopped working a couple of times. You’ve completely broken the tool with the new update (((

This is my melody on DAW

This is recording in version 1.0.1 - All FINE!

This is recording in version 1.0.2 - Not working

This would be important to know as well so i can recreate your exact way of recording:

  • Do you send transport from the DAW?
  • Or do you press Record on the Tracker?

Check the screenshots.
Rec+Play and after Play From DAW to Sync

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Do me a favor and change the following setting:

Config → General → Recording Options

and change it to anything else than Only Notes. For example: Microtiming or Microtiming + Velocity.

Does it still record wrong?

It works differently, but just as bad. Instead of two tracks, it records all 8. (Microtiming + Velocity mode)

I’ll try and recreate what your doing with my DAW (Bitwig) and will report back.

At the very least, i think it is caused by the same underlying problem.

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Just send to Tracker some melody from DAW and try to record it. And you will see it.

Alright. Tried to recreate it.

Here’s my setup in Bitwig

And here’s a short video of me recording that into the Tracker (running 1.0.2):

Config → General → Recording Options is set to Microtiming.

The only reason i could see it moving to other tracks is if the previous note is not done playing / overlapping with the next note. Then it is expected behaviour that it uses the next lane/track.

Unless something is off internally when checking if a OFF message should be placed. Which could lead to the above behaviour.

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One things for certain though, something is affecting how OFF messages are created and this leads to these issues.

I’ve added an addendum to the bug description to include that this issue may affect external MIDI coming into the Tracker as well.

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Yes, but there are no issues in the old version. For the sake of experimental accuracy, you should select the “notes only” mode and synchronize the recording. The tracker should record the notes after you press Play in the DAW. Anyway, thank you for your help.

Notes only definitely has a problem. Hence why i created this report in the first place.
It doesn’t properly create OFF messages even when using directly with the Pads on the Tracker+

Which is why i’m assuming that all of this is most likely related to eachother.

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Hello. I’m using an OG tracker and also have the missing OFFs.


The microtiming workaround definitely helps the issue. However, I’m finding that OFFs sometimes do not get placed for notes when recording on the first step. I say “sometimes” because if you are just a little late (but the playhead is still on step 1), it will work properly. The window is a little strange and not the most natural feeling in the world, but maybe I’m just always too early … This happens for both one and multiple notes (using MIDI in for recording notes for MIDI instruments).

That being said, the hidden OFF cleanup works properly to stop the notes when transport is stopped (which wasn’t always consistent pre-update). I haven’t analyzed the raw messages yet, but if I had to speculate, I’d say it’s probably all related to the hanging note fix (thank goodness, I’ve been seeing it for years now).

Outlook is positive with the potential hotfix. :slight_smile:


Hi @here Thanks for reporting this bug. We will do our best to resolve it ASAP and notify you when it’s ready. :slight_smile:


same story with me. can’t record midi via play+rec on one track , it’s like it “listens” only to a few notes and then stops. I can record full sequence only when I arm everything. it’s a bummer , have to go back to 1.01 :confused:

edit: works ok with micro timing. sticking to 1.02 after all :slight_smile:

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Just stumbled onto this a couple days ago and thought I was taking crazy pills. Good-ish to know it’s a bug and can be worked around, and I’ll be looking forward to a full fix for this.