MIDI out stops when audio out cable connected

I am using Play+ to send midi to another device and sequence it. This is working.
However when I connect an audio cable to the Play+ audio out, the midi stops sending.
Is this expected behaviour?

Not at all. Sounds like something is very wrong with your audio connection. Possibly very noisy, bad ground, etc.

Does the audio output work correctly when the MIDI is disconnected?

Audio always works fine, it just overrides midi when the audio cable
Is plugged in

In fact maybe it isn’t the Play.
When I connect headphones all is well.
Seems to be the connection to the Bluebox mixer from the Play breaks Midi on the Play - even when the mixer is disconnected from power!

So I tried sending audio from the Play to the Tracker Line In and that works
But when I connect audio out from the tracker to the Bluebox then midi stops on the Play

This is very strange indeed and the first time I hear of any hardware displaying such behaviour.
How are you powering the Bluebox?

Bluebox is mains powered on its own plug

I think this usb midi adapter is the likely cause
Will have to order something more ‘premium’ and see if it resolves the issue

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