Would be amazingly cool if we could quickly jump to different parameter pages via the grid pads like it’s made on the T+. Yes, the Play’s screen is not as big, but the pads can have different colors so some color coding can be made. For instance, the osc parameter page pad is always green, the filter page pad is always yellow, etc. Combined with the ability to use six knobs to access six parameters at once it would make synth patch editing 100x easier and quicker.
Yeah the way it’s done on the tracker+ is amazing and given they already have working code for it, hopefully they can just easily port it with whatever changes are needed due to slightly different interface and controls on the play+. It’s my most wanted feature out of everyone I have voted on here by far.
This is how it could look like.
Green - osc pages, orange - filter, red - amplitude envelope, cyan - mod sources (two envelopes + two LFOs), blue - six slots of mod matix, yellow - voice settings, pink - six macros.
The Play even has an advantage over the Tracker, as you won’t have to match to which synth page a pad corresponds to looking at the screen thanks to color coding and there is more than one knob…
Polyend, please, make this happen
Taking something from the polyend synthesizer UI would also be a usable option if possible.