Make Macros, Mixer and Effects accessible via MIDI

What is the problem?

As a user with external sequencers and MIDI controllers I want to change Macros, Mixer and FX parameters via MIDI.

What should this feature achieve?

Should just work like controlling and mapping synth parameters.

C1-C3 should map to CC#1 (Modulation), CC#2 (Breath) and CC#3. Channel Volume should map to CC#7, and Panning to CC#10. This is probably pretty simple to achieve, and brings the most value.

FX parameters (also those that control sends between effects, which are located on the mixer page) are not specific to the three synth slots, but from a user perspective it may not be a problem when the Synth still reacts to those CCs on any of the synth channels. Otherwise it’s necessary to assign a control channel (which would also be required for Changing Scenes via MIDI Program Change Messages

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

All Elektron boxes can do this, and I can’t think of any recent synth with FX that does not allow for MIDI control of FX parameters.


Someone’s on a roll tonight. Thanks for the wish :slight_smile:

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This can also be viewed as two wishes:

  • a simple wish for mapping Macros (CC#1-3), Volume (CC#7) and Panning (CC#10), mostly according to MIDI standard
  • mapping the effects parameters and the remaining mixer parameters, which may require more consideration