Is there a way to play a sample that is a couple or a few minutes long

I received a Tracker Mini for Xmas yesterday (Oh what a splendid gift!). I am still new to the device and electronic music production as a whole. I have been a self taught flute player for about 15 years now and I was hoping to be able to create tracks using recordings of my flutes as part of them, however the maximum number of steps in a pattern isn’t long enough to accommodate some of my songs.

I have found a sort of work around by loading several instruments with the same sample of a song, then slicing it into even pieces and having each instrument play a single slice on the first track of each pattern. Although this works, there is still minor clipping/cuts between patterns, and the workflow is tedious.

Is there a way to mod the mini to have a pattern length that is significantly longer than 128 or for me to be able to load a long sample and have the whole thing play through so that I can layer other sounds over it?

Thank you in advance and may you have a Beautiful day!

With digitakt I used to pitch up the long sample in my pc by one or two octaves (thus reducing its length and the amount of ram) and then repitch it down to its real value before playing it.

I haven’t done it like that in the play because I don’t use it like that, but the principle should be the same