Has anyone found an elegant and portable way to get audio out/in via external effects?

What were the issues you had with that OTG cable?

Well Audio Evolution actually looks pretty good - I installed the trial and connected all the OTG cables and the app ‘recognised’ the USB host and Audio USB connection, however despite enabling OTG on the phone and setting the Mini to Audio Output via USB no audio came through into the app…


Have not been able to get any audio out of my Mini via USB using an OTG adapter… maybe it’s a defect with the OTG adapter or maybe my Mini is faulty…

TBH I just wanted an easy way to add more complex effects (shimmer reverb or complex delays) to some of my samples whilst on the road. At this rate I’ll fire up a DAW on my laptop and at that point I might as well use that instead of the Mini…

Out of interest, can you get it working without the OTG? Because that should work the same as the T+ and to rule out settings issues.

You do need to play with the settings a bit and specify input sources on the channels.

Nope, the Mini just isn’t recognised in Audio Evolution if I plug directly using a standard USB data cable.

Hmm. I don’t have a mini so can’t test but that doesn’t sound right.

I’m driving about atm so can’t check if you said if you have tried it connected to a PC?

So it’s either the mini, the mobile, or the cable right?

For reference my mobile is S24 Ultra

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I can transfer files using to PC using same cable, and the OTG cable works as a headphone DAC (which is one of it’s uses)

However the Mini has yet to send any audio via USB to my phone… I also tried to capture audio in a few other apps like Koala and another field recorder but none of them even recognised the Mini via the OTG/USB connection…

Transferring audio files isn’t the same as using it as an audio device though right?

Have you seen it as an audio device in your DAW so you can record all 14 stereo tracks in?

I think I’m going to get one of those OTG adapters and see how far I get.

I’m not OP but I’ve tried to do similar things. I’m able to use the Mini as an audio interface with all the in/out tracks on my pc and MacBook but when using the exact same usb-c cable directly into my android phone I have no such functionality. The best I can do is use my phone as a midi input or file transfers when it’s in storage mode.

Maybe a modern iPad might have the functionality to recognise the audio ins/outs on the tracker/mini?

So far no dice on USB Audio connecting the Mini to my Win11 PC - it recognises the Mini as a MIDI device and there is a Tracker Mini Audio device in the Device Manager - but no audio program recognises it… tried Reaper, Bitwig and Audacity… It gets recognised as a Playback device and a MIDI controller…

I’ve tried various USB data cables including a top of the range USB cable which even supports USB video.

Audio over USB seems like a mythical beast

Well I’ll keep this post updated - maybe it might help someone else in the same situation - also mini rant…

I’ve realised that I was making an error.

On the Mini there are 4 USB Audio options: Off, Input, Output and Input+Output. Foolishly I thought I wanted Output since I was trying to OUTPUT the audio over USB. I intentionally didn’t select Input+Output since I didn’t want to add the complexity of configuring the Mini as an Input…

Turns out that USB Audio Output on the Mini means receiving USB Audio Input… and Input refers to the Audio over USB Output… completely obvious now. /s

Anyway I figured this out when I connected to a Macbook Pro (my work laptop) with only Garageband installed which just works out of the box.

Win11 on the other hand… sheesh. DAWS dont’ recognise it, Audacity recognises the Mini but throws up a multi-track -9998 error when trying to capture audio…

Whilst I despise the locked down philosophy of Apple, I have to hand it to them for things just… working…

I could try the ‘VB Coconut-Virtual cable-ASIO4All-Matrix Routing-VB Meter workaround’ but to be honest I bought the Mini to make music on whilst on the road and without lot’s of complexity… I guess the music I make on the Mini will just stay on the Mini…

From memory (which is my weakest power) I had to enable the T+ as an audio device in Windows.

It was hidden until I did that

That’s worth pointing out - I had done that and it is showing up…

No dice with a DAW yet but after some finnicky settings changes in Audacity I’ve managed to multi-track record!

Despite this, still no joy getting Audio out via USB to my Android… which was one of my original aims!

I have bought the RC-505MK2 for the exact same reason.
I have recorded everything (tracker and others) and then fed it back in Tracker.
But I am gonna sell it for two reasons:

  1. Rc-505MK2 has horrible effects, really the worst quality you can imagine.
  2. It breaks my workflow.

I am just mentioning it in case somebody think about buying RC-xxx just for that. Using tablet or phone will give you better results for less money.

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Yeah, I guess I was trying to help work out where the problem lies, if you can get multi channel audio into your PC then maybe it’s not the mini but the android.

What is the android device? Not all are created equal…

Indeed… it’s either my Nord (Android 14) which isn’t handling Audio over USB, or it’s the cheap Chinese OTG adapter… sadly I can’t find any good quality OTG adapters… all I can find are no name brand deriveratives

I just did some testing.
I bought the same OTG adapter you linked, and I can record 3 stereo channels at once (only 3 because I’ve not bought the full version of Audio Evolution yet)

I also have one of these and it also worked fine (including charging my phone)

Again, this is with a T+ but I’d be surprised if the mini is different in this respect. I have no experience with OnePlus I’m afraid. I do have an S6 Lite that I will try out, but it’s Samsung again, I suspect it will work.

Thanks, I retried (and oddly switched off the OTG in Android Settings) and I can now import audio into Audio Evolution!

However for me it only works using their paid for “Extream” USB driver, if I select the default “Android” driver doesn’t work for me.

I really appreciate the input Matt!

** FWIW whilst the trial works, despite selecting a different Audio Output device in Audio Evolution I can’t hear anything unless I disconnect the OTG adapter, and often this causes AE to crash (which is why it warns to not disconnect the USB whilst running…)

You’re welcome.
Yes, I’m using that Extream driver too, I’ve not bought anything yet as I’m not 100% sure that it does everything I want.
I’ve still not managed to get audio passing through so I can hear the effects in real-time.
It also doesn’t receive midi clock which I might want

Glad you have got somewhere at least!