Can not see project folders to use instruments


I can not find newly saved project folders to use instruments from.

Using tracker 1.9.1

I created a project with some wavetable instruments to reuse.
Saved the project.
I can find the project when I want to open a project.

When having a new project open and want to open the instruments in the Sample Loader from the wavetable project, I can not see the folder.
I can see older project folders and content.

But I can not see the recently created project.

Also tried saving the wavetable project under a different name and copying it on my mac to a new folder under the project folder.
I still can not see the wavetable project folder.

I also copied the instruments from the wavetable project to a folder in the Instruments folder.
This works fine and I can open the instruments.

Is there a bug/ feature in 1.9.1 that does not show new project folders in the Sample Loader?