Audio pops while browsing presets

Bug Description

If one synth is playing and I’m browsing for presets on another, non playing synth, I can hear pops while scrolling through the presets.
The scrolling UI also becomes a bit jittery.
I believe it is also related to how much you are pushing the Synth in terms of voices.

Steps to Reproduce

Hold notes on one synth and browse presets on another.

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.1.0 (but it also happened on previous ones)
  • Build: 1548


Sorry for the delay, we’ve all been laying a bit low during the holidays :slight_smile:
I’ve been trying this out for the past 20 minutes. I agree that it seems to be related to the CPU usage. As it’s up to the user to manage the CPU on the Synth, I’m pretty sure that this is by design.

More of a byproduct of the design :slight_smile:
But this (like the adjusting mixer levels issue that’s been fixed :raised_hands:) is particularly annoying when playing live.

Well said! I’ll still create a ticket and see what comes back.

Thank you @dan.lgrnd
Much appreciated.