Announcing Play+ Firmware 1.1

Great news! Thank you very much.

Strange, my PERC patches are not including. There are no patches in the folder PERC

To clarify, these are patches you’ve saved previous using the Tracker+ or patches you’ve saved with the new firmware that are not showing up?

Okay, I’m not sleeping. Why are you not sleeping ))) ?

I’m trying to copy right now patches from the tracker, let’s see what happens. I understand you haven’t added any patches.

It’s only 10 minutes from 10pm in my zone, so not so late :slight_smile:

Sorry I updated my question above while you replied. I meant to ask if it was T+ patches that were not showing up, or if you were saying that Perc patches you’re saving currently in the Play + firmware are not showing up?

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It worked. You made an update, but you didn’t include the PERC patches for Polyend Play+.
I just copied them from Tracker+, and everything worked for me. )))

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I think maybe you missed step 4 of the Install guide on the first post :upside_down_face: