Allow modulation of ARP and SEQ parameters

What is the problem?

The ARP and SEQ parameters are static.

What should this feature achieve?

Add ARP and SEQ parameters as destinations for the LFOs and Macros to add movement to these features

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

Hydrasynth or Deepmind


I think i know what you mean, but iā€™m double checking:

So it should allow parameters from the seq/arp page to be destinations for an LFO/Macro?

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Yes, exactly. :slight_smile:

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I think I mentioned this elsewhere, the lack of parameter lock for animation/macros is a weird thing to leave out in 2024. Even a Pocket Operator can do it, so it was a surprise.

Sometimes limitations can help make a synth/instrument more creative buy focusing your efforts on finding a solution, but in this case it does seem like a missing feature, rather than a design choice.